Dear Reader,
The level of historical scholarship produced by Harvard’s undergraduates is always overwhelming, and our board was pleased to sample a wide array of pieces. While previous issues of Tempus have traditionally published three pieces, the outstanding quality of two historical essays of longer length influenced our decision to take a different direction for this issue.
Our board was delighted to see Kaysie Gonzalez’s careful examination of enslaved Indian women in the English colony of Carolina and the French colony of New France between 1670 and 1760. Such a narrative rewrites our understanding of early North American history. Lizzie McCord’s investigation of U.S. imperialism’s role in the 1912 Cuban Massacre reclaims a largely unknown event in the history of American involvement in the Caribbean. We see these stories as a part of a historiographical trend where certain underemphasized communities and nations are brought back into the spotlight.
The editorial board of Tempus is grateful for the support it receives from the Harvard History Department. Carla Heelan, the Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies, continues to provide us with the advice and encouragement necessary to see publication through. Patrick Meehan, the department’s Writing Fellow, is another crucial part of our editing process. We greatly appreciate his commitment to quality historical scholarship from the undergraduate community.
The process of reading, selecting, and editing essays is never easy. Over the course of each semester, we love to learn about times and places that are not the focus of our own studies, and we enjoy taking the lessons of our writers forward as we continue our own scholarship.
The Editors